" Sustainable world peace " is aMOTTO!

" Sustainable world peace " is aMOTTO!

Let us make this world more organic by joining our hands together in uplifting this noble cause. Let us prevail upon bringing peace all over the world with a sustainable peace approach in order to enable our children and grand children live with a hope of sustainable world of peace.


Join us in enriching the journey of changing this world towards a sustainable world peace!

Let us direct our collective energy into making a sustainable peaceful world which will help the future generation to live in peace and harmony and hence take pride of their parents and grand parents for their contribution. Join us in ensuring our dream come true.

Sustainable Humanity

Sustainable Humanity

Diffrent human races were created by God Almighty with a purpose. Each and every human being and races are independent but at the same time interdependent for various needs and wants. God Almighty created this universe and at the end of his creations, God created humanity of various races, in order to manage his creations. However we as human being are so ignorant that we do not know the repercussions of mixing up of various human races for exploitation and thus exploiting the nature mindlessly for our greed. The globalized economy is seriously affecting the ecology and environment of the whole world, thus rich become richer and poor become poorer. If we do not focus on sustaining various races and communities of the humanity, this world will be heading for a doom. Because the son or daughter of that soil can only take care of their mother earth in order to sustain the humanity and this world.

Sustainable Ecology

Sustainable Ecology

The human races have been distributed all over the world by the creation of God Almighty with various colors and looks etc, suitable to that particular part of the world, depending upon the ecology and need of that terrain. The ecology can only be sustained by way of ensuring the human races of that soil is sustained, so that the local population know exactly what is required for preserving the ecology in their place of origin.

Sustainable Economy

Sustainable Economy

Without sustaining the human races and ecology, we can't achieve Sustainable economy. Sustainable economy is only possible by way of identifying the type of soil and its resourses, conserving rain water, channelizing river water, planting trees, shrubs, plants, herbs etc. Thus the economy of the humanity can be ensured by localizing the economic activities, by the way of creating wood based industries, agriculture based industries, food processing units, educational institutions, water resourses management, animals and cattle preservation etc. This can ensure local employment and thus we can avoid human migration from villages to cities and towns and various parts of the world. Thus the economy can be equally distributed/spread all over the world, and ensure there is no concentration of human resourses in cities and towns. Thus we can ensure sustainable economy and peaceful living.

Sustainable Education

Sustainable Education

Sustainable education is possible only by the way of sustaining the humanity in their place of origin, ecology, economy. Localizing the education system with global connect and thus by enabling the youth to be employed locally by imparting skills suitable to the local industries and needs. This can avoid human migration to cities and towns and various parts of the world insearch of educational institutions, employment etc. Thus we can ensure sustainability of education in their place of origin.

Sustainable Employment

Sustainable Employment

Sustainable employment can be ensured by identifying the resourses available locally in that area with the help of local population. Technology like satellite imaging etc can be utilised to identify the natural resourses available in that area which can help in creating industries accordingly. This will enable the government and the local population to coordinate and cooperate in establishing the type of industries required. This can help in identifying the skills to be imparted to the youth for better employment oppourtunities locally.

Sustainable Empowerment

Sustainable Empowerment

Sustainable empowerment is possible if the local human race is empowered with sustainable humanity, ecology, education, economy etc, so that the youth is able to participate in various socio economic and political activities. By being part of the local society, they become fully empowered in ensuring proper governance of the system locally and at government level.

Sustainable Health

Sustainable Health

Human races suffered from various health issues as they are over burdened/stressed for their day - day livelyhood activities such as food, shelter, clothing, education, economy, employment etc. Localizing the economy, education and employment can ensure maintenance of sustainable health of their kith and kin, by way of consuming organic food locally grown. This will lead towards ensuring sustainable health of the local population in synchronization with the nature of their living.

Sustainable Spirituality

Sustainable Spirituality

Spirituality is the foundation for all human beings for peaceful co-existense in the society. The human races if not sustained, the spirituality cannot be sustained. There will be uncertainity in human lifestyle culture and living, if various races are mixed-up, which can lead to conflict among various human races. Non sustainance of humanity of various races, ecology, economy, education, employment, empowerment, health etc will lead to conflicts among human races, which will lead to unsustainable peaceful coexistense among all creations of God Almighty.


Where the seed was sown!

Colonel Sengol Raju is a Indian Army veteran having served in the Indian Army for 36 years and 31 days. He is basically an engineering graduate from the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), New Delhi. He is also a Post Graduate(MA) in Defence and Strategic Studies and an Alumni of IIM, Indore. Colonel Sengol Raju is also highly qualified and has a vast experience in Military warfare communication, operational field expertise, managerial and training aspects. Colonel Sengol Raju also has the distinction of serving in the Defense Research and Development Organization(DRDO) Lab as Assistant Director and Head of Communication Department, in the brain child Missile Research Lab of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Having been served the Nation with atmost honesty, sincerity and dedication, Colonel Sengol Raju is now on a vision to protect and preserve the world in pursuit of ensuring sustainable world peace. A noble and immaculate soul, Colonel Sengol Raju, is on a mission in building a community, where sustainable world peace is kept as a motto, a conscious move that will make the world a bit closer to becoming greener and sustainable. Colonel Sengol Raju has gained immense knowledge and wisdom and has the ability in bringing a change in this world towards making it a sustainable world peace. Colonel Sengol Raju is confident and strongly believes in achieving this vision with the support and help of each and every one of us.

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A single step taken forward will pave the way for thousands to follow!

We have taken our single step to inspire thousands of others to join our mission and incorporate peace and sustainability in this world. Unite with us in the noble cause in uplifting the spirit of the earth. Sustainability is the only way ahead. Let us stride through it with pride.

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Young Volunteers

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Trees and plants are the ultimate savior of all living and non-living beings on this earth. The rising need for conservation of sustainable ecology has brought attention towards it.

Child education

Child education

Children are tiny tots who carry in their hearts and minds, the rays of hope of their future. Their energy and focus must be diverted towards learning the skills required towards the welfare of sustainability of all creations in this world for peaceful co-existence.

Poverty shelter

Poverty shelter

No one is born poor. But it is our ignorance, greed and uncaring attitude to amaze wealth, which lead to creating the society into rich and poor. We should join our hands together in constructing and ensuring that each and every human being has the shelter over their head by giving equal oppourtunities to everyone. Let us care!

Our Campaig

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Green Planet

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Green Energy

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Clean Beach

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Free River

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Volunteer your services!

Together we have achieved a bit of our dream step by step, with a lot more to get, we request you to join us in this noble journey.

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Independence Day

Independence Day admin August 17, 2022 1 Begin by destroying exemptionProof reveals that dispute